Al Lewis
The Path to Success

Al Lewis
Competitive Marketing and Sales
Professional Since 1975



Al Lewis / Broker/Mentor
Marketing Professional Since 1975
Real Estate Professionals World Enterprise Marketing

Real Estate Professionals Allstate Marketing
Matchmaker Realty Services

Non-Local. Unbounded. My Influence
Extends Everywhere.

It is my privilege to have sold most every type of housing: entry level, middle range and high-end homes and condos; custom homes; estates; ranches; land; lots; mobile homes; mobile home lots; manufactured homes; stacked housing; senior housing and master planned communities; many thousands of homes in all; both new and resale.

You can get anything you want in real estate if you realize it is gained by Bold, Enterprising, Sales and Marketing, that move through the market like juggernauts: unstoppable forces that crush whatever are in their path.

Get Your Expectancy Up / Good things are going to happen. Sell in one-half to one-third the time projected by forecasts at the top of the market. Get to the future you want quicker by listing your house or project with me today.

Expect the best.

HIGH PROFILE / Sales and Marketing for Elite Sellers

Marketing / Is the Action-or-Business of Promoting-and-Selling a Product and "Not"  a passive posting activity supplemented by open house. Find "It"  here!

ALLSTATE Luxury Home Sales and Marketing
Sellers / Always Sell "Up" Even in a Down Market.
Our programs and strategies both local and outreach, personalized (1) To your house (2) The local market and (3) The International community, stretch and break the boundaries of the mass-solution to real estate sales practiced by conventional area-bound agents, companies and franchise giants. Leadership, a structured program and personal involvement will distinguish our service. Call any time to talk.

Real Estate Professionals Allstate Marketing (.com)
List and Sell at the Top of the Market Today.

NEW HOME Sales and Marketing by Al Lewis
Builders / Lead the Field. Dominate the Market. Be Confident.
Invitation to Outsource / If it is a good time to talk about sales and marketing at your company or a good time to look at the resources of new people you are cordially invited to look over the website shown below and to call to arrange a time for a visit. I'll look at your projects wherever they may be, determine their needs from the point of view of an outside expert and help you turn things around fast. Call any time to talk.

New Home and Land Subdivision Builder/Developers.
Visit / 
Builder Sales and Marketing (.com)

PROPRIETARY / Fast-Sale Marketing Programs

Radiant-Outreach Net/Work Marketing / Is a Self-Made Sales Machine whose function is Outreach to Buyers inside Niche Markets not accessible by a standalone company or Agent from afar like myself or any other except by or through or in Contractual Affiliation with Brokers and Agents long active in those markets and in Already-Established-Unbreakable-Relationships with Buyers therein for (1) Referrals (2) Direct Sales and (3) Cooperative Marketing to Grow Advertising of Properties Listed with us Geometrically (and Every Way Imaginable). All established by Trademark Co/Marketing Agreements unique to our program. Outreach is Achieved by Direct-Sales Contact (1) USPS Direct Mail and eMail (2) In-Person Calls, Meetings and Hosted Events and (3) Online Marketing by means of a privileged Outreach-Marketing-Sales-Center.

The Fast-Sale Auction / Is a Self-Made Sales Machine whose function is Attention-Getting Value-Buy Advertising. Utilizing my -- Fast Sale Auction -- it's not uncommon for a home owner listed with my company to put a home on the market by auction that has been for sale for six months, a year or even longer and then to sell that house in six-to-eight weeks irrespective of the price of the home: from under $1/Million to over $10/Million. We give sellers an edge on competition in the marketplace by making their home the first one a buyer will look at if they want to buy in their area: the value-buy message inherent to selling by auction demands that. Also available as a standalone auction for sale-by-owner sellers and independent agents.
Sellers-Builders-Agents: Sell Faster By Auction!

Visit / The Fast Sale Auction (.com)

BROKER PROFILE / Al Lewis' Personal Profile

Al Lewis Profile (.com)
Broker/Marketing Professional Since 1975.
You'll find I am very opinionated about things that affect the sale of both new and resale housing. Because of that and to establish credibility with you as a sales and marketing professional I'd like to tell you my story and share a brief outline of my experience.
Go to for The Full Story.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES / Southern California

The saying "The BUCK STOPS Here" made popular by President Harry Truman suggests there is no higher authority. Accordingly, multiply your market value and income a hundredfold in association (or affiliation) with broker/mentor, Al Lewis, within one or more of the programs that follow.

The Real Estate Fellowship (.com)
Allstate Luxury Home Sales and Marketing.
High-End Listing Broker Seeks MktPtnr/Protégé to Grow Business Regionally.

Team with national luxury homes listing leader Al Lewis to break-into and sustain listing and sales success at the "Top"  of the market as either an Associate or Independent-Affiliate of "Real Estate Professionals World Enterprise Marketing"  to list and sell (1) Multimillion Dollar Custom Homes (2) Estates and (3) Resort-Oriented Residences. Join broker Al Lewis' virtual community of brokers and agents "The Real Estate Fellowship"  to partner with broker for listing high-quality, high-end properties owned by equity positioned sellers. Leads, access, break-in strategies, portfolio, in-field/in-house support, and high-level marketing of homes listed (at broker's expense) provided.
Associate Licensee Relationship Optional.
Change of Affiliation Not Required.

Matchmaker Realty Services (.com)
Elite Grassroots-Oriented Buyer Representation Program.
Outsell the competition at any price point weekends only with broker/mentor Al Lewis.

Associate-Licensee Relationship Optional.
Change of Affiliation Not Required.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES / National/International
Exclusive to (1) Northern California (2) Brokers Located Anywhere in the US Outside Southern California and (3) Brokers Located in International Markets Worldwide.

The Top Job in Real Estate (.com)
The Real Estate Professionals National Broker/Agent Network.
Duplicate with me, as your guide, my highly successful program in the local market with local identification. Learn an easier, more pleasurable, more efficient way of getting and doing business at the top of the market. Easy, because I have laid the groundwork, developed the programs and executed them to fulfillment within one of the nation's most competitive markets and have removed all the chaff, all the roadblocks, and distilled a winning formula. Call for information and terms.

Associate-Licensee Relationship Not Required.
Change of Affiliation Not Required.

Matchmaker Realty Services (.com)
Elite Grassroots-Oriented Buyer Representation Program.
Outsell the competition at any price point weekends only with broker/mentor Al Lewis.

Associate-Licensee Relationship Not Required.
Change of Affiliation Not Required.

TRAINING Master the Forces that Shape Success

Success "for Life" Real Estate Seminars
Brokers-Agents / Master the Forces that Shape Success.
The bottom line, still, is tied to listing and selling success in the field and not to how creative we can be at our desks in front of our computers. Waiting for clicks from invisible online customers is like waiting for the phone to ring; no way at all to build and grow a business. To increase and sustain productivity for just about every agent in the business, a shift in training is needed that puts them back on the street, into neighborhoods, in front of buyers and sellers in the suburbs where business is found and transacted. An in-office success "for Life" seminar program c
onducted by broker/mentor Al Lewis is available for both staff and prospective agents. Call for information.
Efficiency Expert Builds Careers and Grows Companies.
Visit / 
The Fellowship Library

In-Office Workshop / The $10/Million Dollar Listing Presentation.
You are cordially invited to call on Al Lewis direct to arrange an in-office high-end listing workshop, The $10/Million Dollar Listing Presentation, for team members, prospective associates, and others you would like to attend.

Al Lewis / Broker/Mentor
Marketing Professional Since 1975
Real Estate Professionals World Enterprise Marketing

Real Estate Professionals Allstate Marketing
Matchmaker Realty Services

Non-local. Unbounded. My Influence
Extends Everywhere.

Mark of Distinction.
Call Any Time to Talk.

Al Lewis -- Marketing Professional Since 1975 -- is the Principal of Real Estate Professionals World Enterprise Marketing, an independent, standalone advertising agency serving the needs of real estate oriented sales professionals, owners and sellers throughout home state, California, the US, and numerous International markets; and Broker of Real Estate Professionals of Southern California/Allstate Marketing and Matchmaker Realty Services, each real estate companies licensed with the California Dept. of Real Estate, License No. 00524259. All are headquartered in
Orange County. Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.